Food experience
3 years
2019 PB Leiner @ Vilvoorde
Sector: Production of gelatins and collagen peptides
Role: Project Leader
Projects: Replacement Sludge Press; DCP-project new silo-installation; Replacement of the boiler Osseïne; New Sand Trap; Block valve rain water discharge; ATEX study Geistlich; ATEX study dust filter pneumatic transport; ATEX study dust filters conditioning gelatine; ATEX study production Cryogel; Changing bagging line Cryogel
Type of projects: CAPEX - EPC - Green and Brown field
Disciplines: Piping; Mechanical; HVAC; Instrumentation; Electricity; Automation; Civil; Structural; Process; Process Equipment
Tasks & Responsibilities
Replacement Sludge Press: Replacement of the existing Sludge Press including interconnections and sewer system improvement
Detailed Design/PID/Technical specifications/Process and technical calculations; Budget estimation/Cost control/ROI and planning; Price bids and comparison + Q/A (with Procurement)
DCP-project new silo-installation: Full preparation of the punch list together with a budget estimation, ready for execution
Replacement of the boiler Osseïne: Optimization of the existing hot water make up
Study; Concept; Detailed Design/PID/Technical specifications/process and technical calculations; Budget estimation/ROI and planning
New Sand Trap: Replacement of the existing zandvang by a full performant system
Concept; Detailed Design/PID/technical specification/Process and technical calculations; Budget estimation/Cost control/ROI and planning; Price bids and comparison + Q/A (with Procurement)
ATEX study Geistlich/Dust filters pneumatic transport/Dust filters conditioning gelatine/Productio Cryogel: Review of the EVD Explosion protection document; Analysing present condition of the installation with outcome of ATEX-remarks; Proposals for solving the ATEX-remarks; New preliminary design of the installation according to ATEX; Budget estimation/Cost control/ROI and planning; Price bids and comparison
Close working relation with:
- PB Leiner TS, Operations and SHE
- Different suppliers of equipment parts
Codes and standards: according to ASTM; ASME; DIN; PED; ATEX; PB Leiner Standard Procedures
2013 - 2014 Friesland Campina @ Lummen
Sector: Productie van zuivelproducten voor consumenten en de professionele markt, de voedingsmiddelenindustrie en de farmaceutische sector
Role: Project Manager
Projects: New storage of dangerous products; Increasing potable water production; Upscaling capacity spray cans; Fire safety LOPA study low voltage (MCC); 4 new sterilisation ovens for spray cans; New storage tank Isosweet; CE study palletizing hall (Ridderhal); New buffer (accumulation) table's for the spray cans
Type of projects: CAPEX - EPC - Green and Brown field
Disciplines: Piping; Mechanical; HVAC; Instrumentation; Electricity; Automation; Civil; Structural; Process; Process Equipment; Fire Safety; Qualification and Validation
Tasks & Responsibilities
New storage of dangerous products: Storage of P1-2-3-4 products and gasses of group 1a-3-4; EX- Ventilated storage containers for dangerous products
Detailed Design - area design/PID/Technical specifications; EVD Explosion protection document and zoning file acc. to ATEX 137; Cost control; Planning (tasks, internal and external resources); Construction follow-up; Commissioning; Start-up and fine-tuning; As-built and Hand-Over; VLAREM approval
Close working relation with: Subcontracted construction companies civil/structural; piping; tracing/insulation, electrical, instrumentation and automation; Bureau for ATEX certification and compliance
Increasing water production: Upscaling capacity potable water from 500.000 m3/year to 620.000 m3/year
Detailed Design/PID/Technical specifications/Process and technical calculations; Budget estimation/Cost control/ROI and planning; Price bids and comparison + Q/A (with Procurement); Construction follow-up; Commissioning; Start-up and fine-tuning; As-built and Hand-Over
Close working relation with: Subcontracted construction companies piping, electrical, instrumentation and automation; Supplier well drilling
4 new sterilisation ovens including upscaling capacity of spray cans: Full replacement of existing 4 ovens because of non-compliance with a minimum 4 log reduction bacteria.
Study; Concept; Detailed Design/PID/Technical specifications/process and technical calculations; Budget estimation/ROI and planning; Construction follow-up; Commissioning; Qualification and Valdation; Start-up and fine-tuning; As-built and Hand-Over
Close working relation with: Construction companies civil/structural; piping; electrical, instrumentation and automation; Supplier of the sterilisation ovens
Fire safety LOPA study low voltage (MCC):
Concept; Technical specification; Budget estimation
New storage tank Isosweet:
Study; Concept; Detailed Design/PID/Technical specifications/process and technical calculations; Budget estimation/ROI and planning;
CE study palletizing hall (Ridderhal): CE-study of the existing palletizing hall (9 lines)
CE-Study (Risk-inventory and evaluation); Safety concept and Safety design; Budget estimation/ROI
Close working relation with: Subcontracted company for Safety and Industrial Security
New buffer (accumulation) tables for the spray cans: The existing lines for the spray cans were not operating efficiently. The essence of the problem was poor interaction between the filling and the packaging due many start/stops at the packaging. The installation of the new buffer (accumulation) tables finally results in a higher Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE).
Close working relation with:
- Friesland Campina TS, Operations and SHE
- Different suppliers and construction companies equipment, piping, electrical, instrumentation and automation
Codes and standards: according to ASTM; ASME; EHEDG; DIN; ATEX; PED; VLAREM; CE Machinery Directive; Friesland Campina Standard Procedures